Useful Links

Boating on the Hudson Magazine

Mohawk Hudson Council of Yacht Clubs

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

Current Weather and Forecast

NY’s Clean Water Advocate (

Kidde Fire extinguisher Product Safety Recall Landing Page

Outdoor Empire thought some of our members might be interested in an article they published Taking Children on Their First Fishing Trip that covers many aspects parents need to think about (gear, location, fish species, baits, regulations) while also giving tips on how to make it fun and educational for kids. (A further article geared around our area is planned.)

Here’s a good site from HMY Yachts that was pointed out to me regarding boating safety for all ages. While some state laws have minor differences in some requirements, this is a good starting point and it has many other links within of use to all boaters.  Take a look at the Boating and Yacht Safety for All Ages Level site and thanks to Krista S for sharing this.